

Scott Wolter

Forensic geologist Scott Wolter is the host of History’s H2 channel’s hit show American Unearthed,™ which follows him on his quest to uncover the truth behind historic artifacts and sites found throughout North America. Scott is also the author of several books, including The Kensington Rune Stone: Compelling New Evidence…


Ken Gerhard

On this episode the guys talk to Mr. Ken Gerhard about his new book Encounters With Flying Humanoids. Ken Gerhard is a cryptozoologist and field researcher for the Center for Fortean Zoology and Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization, as well as a fellow of the Pangea Institute and consultant for various…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is this weeks Noteworthy News of the Week! New Twist In Decades Old Alien Autopsy Controversy Skydiver Falls 9,000 feet and Survives Starchild Researcher Lloyd Pye Dies The Hidden History of Fairies-Where They Real? Triangle UFO Visits Space Station, Seen On Live Cam Simiulations Back Up Theory That Universe…


Lyle Blackburn

On this episode the guys talk with Lyle Blackburn about his two books “Beast of Boggy Creek” and “Lizard Man”. Lyle Blackburn is an author, musician, and cryptozoologist from Texas. His investigative cryptozoology books, “The Beast of Boggy Creek” and “Lizard Man,” reflect his life-long fascination with legends and sighting…


Nick Redfern

On this episode the guys talk with World Famous Nick Redfern. Nick Redfern is an active advocate of official government disclosure of UFO information, and has worked to uncover thousands of pages of previously classified Royal Air Force, Air Ministry and Ministry of Defense files on UFO’s dating from the Second World War…
