Expanded Perspectives Podcast


Lone Star Sasquatch Sightings/The Vanishing Bird Family

On this weeks episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys talk about the Wooden Ship Unearthed at World Trade Center Site From Revolutionary-Era Philadelphia, The Forgotten Stones of Karahan Tepe, Turkey, the Kentucky Research Team Describes Their Bigfoot Encounters, Recent Bigfoot Encounters in the Lone Star State and finally an unusual…


Pilot Encounters with UFOs, The Stranger that worked at the Pentagon, Amazing Listener Story

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives Kyle and Cam talk about SpaceX just got permission to build a Spaceport in Texas, the military’s Homing Bullets that do not miss, did the Ancient Egyptians know the distance between the inner planets, the stranger that worked at the Pentagon, Pilot Encounters with…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is this weeks Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week Archaeologists uncover chapel of King Mentuhotep II National UFO Alert: Seven states report 284 June cases Tapped: All the Ways Your Phone Can Be Hacked We’re One Panel Closer to Printing Cheap, Plastic Solar Like Newspapers DNA study shows…
