Expanded Perspectives Podcast

Noteworthy News of the Week

Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is the Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week! Considering A Haunted House Buy? America’s Most Haunted Places Peru’s Government UFO Agency Officially Reactivated After Increase In Sightings Cattle Mutilation Theories Exposed Apollo 9: Gigantic Cilindrical Objects caught in front of the Moon I saw a man vanish into…


The Almas and the Incrediable Story of Zana

In the Caucasus and Pamir Mountains of central Asia lives the Almas, Mongolian for “wild man”. This creature is not formally recognized by modern science. However, the reality of such a mega-fauna cryptid existing in the wild seems plausible to me. There have been numerous sightings going as far back…
