Noteworthy News of the Week

Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is this weeks Noteworthy News of the Week Developers and Preservationist Find Historic Common Ground in Miami 19th Century Chupacabras New Bigfoot Screams Recorded in Washington Ancient Asiatic Writing in North America Mysterious Black Ring Filmed over UK Shapeshifting Furniture for Your Alternate Dimension Vacation Home Weird Science: Into…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Noteworthy News of the Week

This is the Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week. Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook. If you like show and want to help out the the guys, please rate and review the show on iTunes and/or Stitcher. Thank you All. Can Robots have Social Intelligence? Reptilian Humanoid Startles…


Rick Osmon

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives we discuss the recently captured Chupacabra, UFO sightings over Canada, Gigantic Stone Wall found in Siberia, Russia and we speak with Rick Osmon about Romans in America prior to Christopher Columbus. Rick Osmon was selected for the United States Air Force Academy right out of…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is the Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week Thylacine hunter Mike Williams confident technology will provide evidence of living tiger Virgin’s UFO prank frightens police on April Fool’s Day in 1989 Reptilian Humanoid Startles Bikers in the Sonoran Desert Jewel-encrusted goblet found gathering dust in tiny Spanish museum…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is this weeks Noteworthy News of the Week: UFOs photographed in Alberta, Canada Eat Your Hearts Out, Patterson and Gimlin! Beware MEGAFOOT! Medical Machine Elves: Ayahuasca As Cancer Treatment Spooky Ghost Video ‘Freaking Out’ Employees At Ellacoya Country Store Brazilian Werewolf Forget GPS: Medieval Compass Guided Vikings After Sunset…


Jim Harold

On this weeks show the guys talk about their un-delightful fried pie, the WeirdTex Fest, Jim Harold and their interview on the All Day Paranormal Podcast. Jim Harold is America’s most popular paranormal podcast host. With his two free programs, The Paranormal Podcast and Jim Harold’s Campfire, Jim has developed…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Noteworthy News of the Week

This is this weeks Noteworthy News of the Week Colour-blind artist implants ‘eyeborg’ device into his skull to ‘hear’ colours as sounds Canary Islands: Oddities and Coincidences?-Wolf Man Gene/Dogman Amazon inhales more carbon than it emits, NASA finds Small Droid Captured in Game Cam Photo in Texas Malaysia Airlines Flight…
