
Frank Joseph

On this episode the guys talk with Frank Joseph about pre-Columbian history and it’s early explorers. Frank Joseph was the editor in chief of Ancient American Magazine from its inception in 1993 until his retirement in 2007. He has published more books (eight) about the lost civilization of Atlantis than…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is the Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week. Happy Valentines Day to all of those lovers out there! Construction crew uncovers tusk of Ice Age Mammoth in Seattle Experts Question Claim Tunguska Meteorite May Have Come from Mars Hundreds flock to ‘Weeping’ Mary Statue in Israel Bumblebees Can…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is the Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week. Prehistoric Village Found in Downtown Miami 4,600 Year Old Step Pyramid Uncovered in Egypt Coldest Spot in the Known Universe Bigfoot Hunt goes Wrong, Ends with man shot and three Arrested The Amazing Flying Machine that nobody Wanted Who Was…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is this weeks Noteworthy News of the Week? ‘Zombie’ Bees Discovered For First Time In Eastern U.S. Ruins of Bustling Port Unearthed at Egypt’s Giza Pyramids NASA to Make Water on the Moon and Oxygen on Mars Proof on Ancient Aliens in the National Museum of Iraq? Google Images…

Noteworthy News of the Week

Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week

Here is the Expanded Perspectives Noteworthy News of the Week! Cosmic ‘Web’ Seen for the First Time ‘Winter Is Coming’ What Caused a 10 Year Winter Starting in 536? New Species of Toad Discovered in Amazon Rainforest New Flying Car Spreads Its Wings Mummy of Forgotten Pharaoh Discovered in Ruined…
