Bob Lee Bows



Welcome to a unique roundtable experience on Expanded Perspectives, where we’re thrilled to collaborate with esteemed podcasters and cherished friends: Nate Henry, Luke Rodgers, Tony Merkel, Andy DeNoon, Josh Hooper, and Andrew Saludez! Recognizable from their outstanding podcasts Blurry Creatures, The Confessionals, and Ninjas are Butterflies, this gathering promises an…


Being Taken

In this episode of Expanded Perspectives Elite, Kyle and Cam start the show by talking about how the Dallas Stars are currently doing in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and the recent storms ravaging Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Iowa.  Then, a woman has a bizarre encounter that she had with a real-life…


A Wrinkle In Time

In this edition of Expanded Perspectives, Kyle takes the helm solo as Cam tends to do business out of town with his spouse. Departing from our usual news segment, we’re treated to a captivating array of strange and uncanny tales our listeners share. From sightings of towering owls to the…


Water You Think That Was?

In this edition of Expanded Perspectives, Kyle and Cam dive into a whirlwind of intriguing experiences and mysterious encounters. Kicking things off, they delve into Kyle’s recent adventures amidst the rainy weather, his immersive journey through a Renaissance fair, and their captivating excursion to Jacksonville, Texas. There, they crossed paths with…
