Monster Under the Bed


Aerial Oddities

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show talking about the new Halloween movie, the series, and others like Friday the 13th and the Fast and the Furious! Then a young Polish man describes his encounter with a possible crawler humanoid in his home while growing up….


Alien Abduction Or Pilot Error

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about how October is finally here and it’s time for some Halloween Fun! Then, a First Nations man in British Columbia comes across hundreds of medicine man tributes to Sasquatch. He also discovers huge 2-toed prints. He is…


Creepy Cornfields

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about the upcoming archery season and how they are ready to do some much-needed hunting and time in the woods. Then, a central Texas resident walking in the rural countryside with his dog when he suddenly…


The Tall Whites

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about the most recent ADCC or the Abu Dhabi Combat Club grappling match. Then, Kyle’s wife recently took a trip to Arkansas with other family members and learned a valuable lesson. Then, two people driving near…


Hidden Treasure

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about what they have been up to and the upcoming ADCC! Then, a US Army Sargeant, stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado, decides to go turkey hunting but ends up seeing a Bigfoot instead. Next, a listener writes…


Pioneers and Prehistoric Beasts

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about all of their fantastic listeners from around the world. Then, a listener writes into the show with a strange case of sleep paralysis and a strange sighting of fiery orb in California. Then, a northeast Pennsylvania…


Creepy Campuses and Deadly Dorms

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, Kyle and Cam start off talking about the rain and cooler weather in North Central Texas, the world championship of disc golf and Cam’s upcoming visit to ReaperCon!. Then, two people celebrating their first honeymoon take a trip for a weekend before Christmas in…


Police and the Paranormal

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about Kyle’s new fizzy beverage the Liquid Death severed lime! Then, a person in Utah has a terrifying encounter with a pale black crawler. Next, a teenager back in 1973 saw some strange manikin-like androids driving around…


Betz Mystery Sphere

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about Kyle’s ego getting damaged as he lost a foot race with his teenage son and his most recent trip to the coast. Then, A New Jersey teen was at home watching TV when they noticed a pair…


Aquatic Humanoids

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show by talking about the most recent interview by Joe Rogan with Jeremy Corbell. Aliens are very real and we have known about them for a very long time it seems. Is it possible they are living under our own…
