Monster Under the Bed


High Strangeness

On this episode of the Christmas edition of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about what they have been doing lately and then they get into some strange sightings including giant wolves, a Not Deer, and the Alaskan Mothman. All of this and more on this…


The Hollow Earth and More

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, a listener writes into the show with a strange experience while out duck and deer hunting. Where they on some ancient Native American land? Then, a person believes they saw an upright canine creature in the woods one night while in a park.  After…


Christmas Spirits

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about the new Cocaine Bear movie that is about to come out in theaters. Then, scientists have uncovered a lizard fossil that hadn’t been seen since the 1950s and army ant fossils that were hidden at Harvard…


Mad Gasser of Mattoon

On this installment of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about how the Philson household is more than ready for this year’s Christmas! Then, a listener from the UK writes in about a strange-looking UFO he saw back in 1994 while out working one evening. Then,…


Glitches In Time

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start the show off talking about what they have been up too, along with Luke and Cam’s birthday quickly approaching. Then, a listener writes in with a strange experience they had while driving on a deserted road in July of 1976 in…


The Men In Black

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about Cam’s recent trip to Kansas and Colorado and Kyle’s recent adventure with Christmas lights. Then, a hunter has an extraordinary encounter with a robot like being in a field in Pennsylvania while out deer hunting….


Mantis Beings

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, Kyle starts the show off talking about what he has been up to lately, Cam’s hunting trip up in Kansas and Colorado, and more. Then, two young men were on a cross-country road trip. One night, while stopped along a dark Oregon road to…


The Aquatic Ape Theory and More

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about Halloween and the recent Live Show they did at the Panther Island Brewery in Fort Worth, Texas. Then, a duck hunter writes in with a terrifying encounter with a set of eyes in the woods. After…


What Happened To Them?

On this installment of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about how they are super pumped for Halloween and of course their first-ever Live Show and Panther Island Brewery! Then, a person writes in with a bizarre UFO encounter, where the pilot of the craft is…


Creepy Canada

On this installment of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about Halloween, Cam’s recent deer hunt and more. Then, a listener writes into the show with a lifelong experience with ghosts or Shadow Beings. For their entire life, this person and several of their family members have…
