Strange Familiars


Creepy Companions

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show out talking about how summer is not quite over yet in northern Texas. Kyle has been sick with something Luke brought home from school, and how a little illness from time to time is good for the immune system….


In The Shadows

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about all of the fun they had at the Paranormal Round Table’s 2nd Annual Dogman/Cryptid Conference. They got to see old friends, make some new ones, and meet several listeners. Then, a person writes in with…



On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about the recent influx of UFOs, UAPs, and more being reported in the news. What is going on, and are there more visits actually happening or just more being reported? Then, a listener writes into the…


Sasquatch Showdown

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about the change in Texas weather. A hunter in Idaho describes his fear and anxiety during a Bigfoot encounter. Then, a person from California witnesses a bizarre translucent, shape-shifting blob flying around in the backyard. What…


Paranormal Emergency

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about the Texas heat, and how terrible it’s been. Then, a woman and her daughter were shopping in a Target in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania when they had a strange encounter with a black-eyed woman. Next, a woman and…


Cave Creatures

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about the hot summer days they’ve been experiencing in Texas, Kyle’s recent trip to the coast, and Kyle’s new car. Then, a courier picking up specimens from a hospital witnesses something terrifying in a passing car. A…


Giants in the New World

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off by talking about how Kyle is getting ready to head to the coast and everything is getting in his way. Then, they get into the recent whistleblowers that have testified in front of Congress about UAPs/UFOs and what…


The Yucca Man and More…

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show, talking about how fast their summer has gone by, shark week, and Kyle’s upcoming vacation down on the Texas coast. Then, a group of young forest rangers in the Great Smoky Mountains were searching for a lost dog. They…


A Ripple in Time

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys get the show off talking about the Texas heat and Kyle’s failures at becoming a great traditional archer. Then, Cam almost dies from a near heat stroke he had over the last couple of days. Next, a listener from Poland writes into…


Creepy Barns

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show off talking about how they spent the 4th of July with their family and friends. Then, a listener calls into the show with a bizarre experience she had in Mexico when she was a child. After the break, Cam…
