More Haunted Hotels
On this episode of Expanded Perspectives Elite the guys start the show off talking about how literally the smartest people in the world think an unprecedented wave of job destruction is coming with the development of artificial intelligence, robotics, software and automation. My friends in Silicon Valley have read the Second Machine Age and Rise of the Robots and they see a wave coming. The White House published a report last month that reinforced this view. According to this new report, 83% of the jobs where people make less than $20 per hour will be subject to automation or replacement, between 9% and 47% of jobs are in danger of being made irrelevant due to technological change, with the worst threats falling among the less educated, between 2.2 and 3.1 million car, bus and truck driving jobs in the U.S. will be eliminated by the advent of self-driving vehicles.
Then, a Texas witness at Katy recalled a UFO encounter from early 2016 where he and his wife watched a triangle UFO the size of a “mother ship” that apparently affected their electronic equipment at ground level and created a fog around itself. Then, scientists have identified an extraordinary metal that conducts electricity without heating up. The metal is called vanadium dioxide, and with the discovery of another one of its unusual properties, a fundamental law has just been broken. We’re referring to the Wiedemann-Franz Law — the one that states that good conductors of electricity are necessarily good conductors of heat too. The same one that explains why motors and electrical appliances heat up when used frequently.
Then, Cam talks about another Upright Canine encounter near Brighton, Ontario. After the break Cam brings up more haunted stories about the Baker Hotel as well as the Crazy Water Hotel and the St. James Hotel in Cimarron, New Mexico. Everyone have a great weekend and we will speak to you all again on Monday!
Show Notes:
- Silicon Valley is right—our jobs are already disappearing
- Texas UFO kills allegedly ground electronics, creates fog to hide in
- Scientists Have Identified An Extraordinary Metal That Conducts Electricity Without Heating Up
- Upright Canine Encounter Near Brighton, Ontario
- The Baker Hotel
- The Crazy Water Hotel
- St. James Hotel
All music for Expanded Perspectives Elite is provided by The Black Angels, Pretty Lights
Songs Used:
- Young Men Dead
- Done Wrong (Opiuo Mix)
- Evening Sun
- Something’s Wrong